Jack and the Bubble Busters is the first book in a new series where Jack is recruited to become a Bubble Buster Hunter. A Bubble Buster is someone who is online trying to steal your personal information and through a series of challenges Jack is able to learn the identity of a Bubble Buster to report back to HQ.
The book follows Jack through his first challenge, meeting new friends with their own skills to help along the way.
This book introduces children to problem solving skills. The aim of the book is to teach children the skills aligned to Computational Thinking and learn about online safety. Throughout this story, children are introduced to decomposition and algorithms.
Check out the first two chapters - Click here
Recent reviews:
"As a computing subject lead, I recently decided to use "Jack and the Bubble Busters" to introduce computational thinking concepts to the whole school, and it was a huge success! The puzzles in the book really captured the attention of our Year 3 and 4 students in particular, but the whole school enjoyed the story and understood the ideas being presented. It was amazing to see how engaged the children were throughout the day. The story follows Jack, who becomes a 'Bubble Buster Hunter' and goes on some challenges with new friends he meets along the way. The book covers essential computational thinking concepts like decomposition and algorithms, which were easy for the children to understand. As an educational resource, I believe that "Jack and the Bubble Busters" is fantastic for any school aiming to make computational thinking accessible and enjoyable for their students."
Luke Skywalker, St Luke's Primary, Wolverhampton
"Really like it and think it offers something a little different to what is currently out there. There are a lot of picture books aimed at KS1 for the teaching of Online Safety and then there are a lot of resources aimed more at Year 5 and Year 6 but think that this book sits in the Year 3/4 gap and offers a bit of a ‘transition’ of themes and content. Could see it being purchased as a class novel and being read by the class teacher at the end of the school day over the series of a week etc."
Martin Bailey, Digital Enrichment Leader - Lanchester EP Primary School, Co.Durham, Director of Animate 2 Educate Ltd and Lecturer in Primary Computing at Durham University
"We need books like this to help carers and educators safeguard and protect children from online dangers. This book is written in a way that makes any young reader excited, as it’s written in the form of a suspense detective like book. Incorporating what most young people love these days like i.e., IT, gaming and social media. Not only does it engage children into the excitement of the story, but it very clearly teaches children about the dangers that can be found on line. I certainly recommend this book to any parent wanting to offer an exiting read to their child that will also inform them of the dangers of on-line safety."
Jo, Parent
"Kids love exploring is not just limited to the outdoors. Like it or not - our children grow into a fast paced highly technological world and your little adventurer will be just as curious to find out what’s hidden behind the next site‘. This is why it is important to educate our children about the dangers that they can potentially encounter online. Written in the style of a detective story and using clear yet engaging language, this book does just that and will surely make your young reader excited till the very end as it manages to both entertain and educate at the same time. I’d hope that any child reading this book will be more knowledgeable about online safety." Carey
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